D'So vum MarxeweierText: Betsy Dentzer https://www.betsydentzer.lu/
Illustrations: Pit Wagner Layout: Plan K https://plan-k.lu/ Coordination: Beng https://www.beng.lu/ Editeur: Commune de Schifflange |
The Kingdom of Lan Xang existed from 1352 to 1707 in the present territory of Laos and Northern Thailand.
Elephants are a central part of the cultural and national identity of Laos.
96 pages of detailed drawings and quick sketches in black and white
capture the charming atmosphere of Laos.
Release end of February 2020
Elephants are a central part of the cultural and national identity of Laos.
96 pages of detailed drawings and quick sketches in black and white
capture the charming atmosphere of Laos.
Release end of February 2020
The longest trial in Luxembourg history.
From 1984-86, the country was shaken by 20 bombs.
There were no casualties, but high material and symbolic damage.
Illustrations drawn on the spot during the 176 court sessions, with short comments in luxembourgish.
2 volumes.
Den 2.Deel verzielt mat Zeechnungen an Texter d'Audienzen 97-176. Op 128 Säiten - Hardcover, SmoothTouch - 32x24cm
39,00€ Verschécken ouni Frais a Lëtzebuerg
From 1984-86, the country was shaken by 20 bombs.
There were no casualties, but high material and symbolic damage.
Illustrations drawn on the spot during the 176 court sessions, with short comments in luxembourgish.
2 volumes.
Den 2.Deel verzielt mat Zeechnungen an Texter d'Audienzen 97-176. Op 128 Säiten - Hardcover, SmoothTouch - 32x24cm
39,00€ Verschécken ouni Frais a Lëtzebuerg
The longest trial in Luxembourg history.
From 1984-86, the country was shaken by 20 bombs.
There were no casualties, but high material and symbolic damage.
Illustrations drawn on the spot during the 176 court sessions, with short comments
(in luxembourgish).
2 volumes.
De Bommeleeërprozess 1.Deel
...eng Staatsaffär
De Prozess aus der Siicht vum Geriichtszeechner - 128 Säiten - Hardcover, 32x24cm
1.Deel: Prozessdag 1-96
39,00€ Verschécken ouni Frais a Lëtzebuerg
Eng limitéiert Spezialausgab mat Cover aus Konschtlieder, mat duebelem Gaufrage.
D' Gravure "Omertá" ass am Buch, signéiert a mat der selwechter Nummer 1-125/125.
D' Gravure "Omertá" ass am Buch, signéiert a mat der selwechter Nummer 1-125/125.
Eng limitéiert Spezialausgab mat Cover aus Konschtlieder, mat duebelem Gaufrage.
D'aquarelléiert Gravure "Falen oder net" ass am Buch, signéiert a mat der selwechter Nummer 1-50/50.
D'aquarelléiert Gravure "Falen oder net" ass am Buch, signéiert a mat der selwechter Nummer 1-50/50.